Lip Blush Healing Process


Lip Blush Healing Process

Lip blush is a semi permanent cosmetic tattoo that enhances the natural color of your lips. It adds a subtle tint, providing a fresh and youthful appearance. Perfect for a low maintenance, effortlessly polished look.

Embark on a journey of lip transformation with the Lip Blush Healing Process, where vibrant hues bloom. Like a secret garden, your lips undergo a subtle metamorphosis, awakening to a renewed radiance. Patience becomes your ally as the colors unfold, revealing a soft, natural flush. Witness the artistry of healing, embracing the beauty that blossoms within.

During the Lip Blush Healing Process, your lips gently settle into their desired tint, revealing a soft, natural enhancement. It’s a gradual unveiling, as the colors evolve into a subtle and radiant finish. Embrace the journey, and watch your lips bloom with renewed vibrancy.

How Long Does the Lip Blush Healing Process Last?

The Lip Blush Healing Process typically spans 7-10 days, with initial swelling, tenderness, and intense color on day one. As the peeling ends, consider your lip tattoo healed, but wait six weeks for a touch-up to avoid scarring.

Lip blush uses a special device, and various styles result in a similar healing process. Day by day, the lip blush healing unfolds in distinct stages. On the first day, expect swelling, tenderness, and intense color. By day two, the swelling decreases, tenderness lingers, and dryness sets in.

Days three and four bring heavy peeling and dryness, followed by minor peeling and color ghosting from days five to ten. The process may vary, but patience and proper aftercare lead to soft, beautifully enhanced lips.

What are the benefits of lip blushing?

What are the benefits of lip blushing
  • Achieve lips with a uniform color.
  • Enjoy fuller and more voluminous lips.
  • Eliminate the need for regular lipstick or lip gloss use.
  • Opt for a minimally invasive treatment with a short application time.
  • Choose from various styles like full, aquarelle, ombre, or semi permanent lined lips.
  • Experience results lasting between 2 to 5 years.
  • Enhance your natural beauty with a semi permanent makeup look.

Stages of the Lip Blush Healing Process Day by Day

During the first day of the Lip Blush Healing Process, expect swelling, tenderness, and intense color, indicating the initial stages of recovery. On day two, swelling decreases while tenderness increases, accompanied by a noticeable dryness as the lips begin to form scabs.

Stages of the Lip Blush Healing Process Day by Day

Days three and four mark the most challenging phase, characterized by heavy lip peeling and extreme dryness as the skin regenerates. Finally, from days five to ten, minor peeling and color ghosting occur as the pigment sets under the skin, resulting in softer, healed lips.

DAY 1: Swelling, tenderness, intense color

On Day 1 of the Lip Blush Healing Process, experience natural swelling, tenderness, and an intense burst of lip color signaling the initial stages of transformation.


Swelling is a natural response during the initial phase of the lip blush healing process, typically occurring within the first few hours after the procedure. It’s a sign that the body is working to repair the tiny incisions made during the treatment.

During this time, your lips may feel heavier than usual, and you might notice them looking slightly larger than before. It’s essential to remain patient as the swelling is temporary and part of the body’s natural healing process.

To manage swelling, applying a cold compress to the lips can help reduce inflammation and discomfort. Additionally, avoiding activities that may exacerbate swelling, such as excessive talking or chewing, can aid in the healing process.

Remember, the swelling will gradually subside in the following days, revealing the beautifully enhanced results of your lip blush treatment.


Tenderness follows the initial numbing effects wearing off, creating a mild, sunburn like sensation on the lips. It is a normal part of the lip blush healing process and can be managed with artist approved pain relievers.

Embrace the tenderness as a temporary phase, knowing it signifies your lips’ journey toward a soft, enhanced appearance.

Color Intensity

Color intensity is at its peak immediately after the lip blush procedure, showcasing a bold and vibrant hue. Over the next few days, expect the color to fade significantly as the pigments settle into the skin, revealing a softer and more natural shade.

Color Intensity

This initial intense color may surprise some, but rest assured it’s just a temporary stage in the lip blush healing process. As the days pass, the color will gradually mellow out, providing a beautiful enhancement to your lips without being overpowering.

DAY 2: Less swelling, more tenderness, and a lot of dryness

On Day 2 of the Lip Blush Healing Process, experience reduced swelling, heightened tenderness, and a noticeable dryness as the healing journey progresses.


Swelling is a natural response to the lip blush procedure, peaking on the first day and gradually subsiding. Initially, your lips may feel heavy, but this temporary swelling contributes to the overall healing process.

Applying an ice pack helps minimize swelling and ensures a smoother recovery.


Tenderness, akin to a sunburn sensation, emerges after the lip blush procedure as the numbing effects wear off. This temporary discomfort is part of the healing process and can be managed with artist approved pain relief options.


Dryness sets in during the second day of the lip blush healing process, leaving your lips feeling tight and parched. This sensation is a natural part of the recovery journey as the skin begins to regenerate.

To alleviate dryness, it’s essential to apply the recommended moisturizer frequently throughout the day. This helps keep your lips hydrated and prevents excessive peeling or discomfort.

As the days progress, the dryness may intensify, leading to the formation of scabs. These scabs are a sign that the healing process is underway and should not be picked at to avoid interfering with the pigment settling.

Continue moisturizing your lips regularly to soothe dryness and promote a smoother healing process. Remember, patience is key as your lips undergo the necessary stages of recovery for the best results.

Here’s a couple of specialized moisturizers safe to use during the lip tattoo healing process:

Here’s a list of trusted moisturizers safe for use during the lip tattoo healing process.

Perma Blend Perma Care Lips Healing Balm

It’s a specialized moisturizer tailored for the delicate lip tattoo healing process, promoting optimal recovery. Its gentle formulation helps soothe dryness, aiding in the maintenance of vibrant and enhanced lip color.

BIOTEK Gloss Bomb Lip Aftercare Serum

It’s a specially designed moisturizer for post lip tattoo healing, offering nourishing ingredients to maintain lip health. This serum contributes to minimizing dryness, ensuring a comfortable recovery while preserving the longevity of the lip color.

Heal Quick Healing Stick

It’s a convenient and targeted solution for lip tattoo aftercare, promoting a smooth healing process. With its easy application, it helps alleviate dryness and discomfort, ensuring optimal recovery.

Hustle Butter Universal Tattoo Healing Balm

It’s a versatile option for lip tattoo aftercare, providing soothing relief and moisturization. Its nourishing formula aids in minimizing dryness, promoting a comfortable healing process for vibrant lip color.

DAYS 3 AND 4: Heavy peeling and dryness

DAYS 3 AND 4 Heavy peeling and dryness

Days 3 and 4 of the lip blush healing process bring significant peeling and dryness as the skin regenerates.


Peeling is a natural stage in the lip blush healing process, usually commencing on days 3 and 4. This phase involves the gradual shedding of scabs, starting from the center of the lips and moving outward.

It’s crucial to resist the urge to pick at the peeling skin to ensure even healing and prevent potential pigment loss. Proper moisturization during this phase helps form a thin layer of scab that peels evenly, enhancing the overall lip color.


Dryness is a common sensation during the lip blush healing process, typically setting in on the second day. To alleviate dryness, frequent application of the recommended moisturizer is essential for a smoother recovery.


Itchiness may occur as part of the healing process, signaling the skin’s renewal after lip blush treatment. Resist the urge to scratch to avoid disrupting the scabs and ensure a uniform pigmentation outcome.

DAYS 5-10: More minor peeling and color ghosting

Days 5-10 of the lip blush healing process bring minor peeling and color ghosting, revealing the final shades as the pigments settle.

DAYS 5-10 More minor peeling and color ghosting


After the initial round of peeling concludes, some additional light peeling may persist, but it’s crucial to refrain from picking at the chapped skin. Patience is key during this phase, allowing the natural healing process to take its course.

Once the peeling concludes entirely, typically around day 10, your lip tattoo healing process is considered finished. At this point, you can resume wearing makeup and discontinue the specific aftercare routine, unless your lips continue to peel, in which case, extend the aftercare for a few more days for optimal results.

Color Ghosting

Color ghosting occurs during the lip blush healing process as the pigments settle beneath the skin. It involves a temporary fading of the lip color, which is a normal part of the healing journey.

This phenomenon may cause initial concern, but it’s essential to understand that color ghosting is a natural process. The pigments will gradually re emerge and reach their final shade within six weeks, resulting in beautifully enhanced lips.

What to Avoid During the Lip Blush Healing Process

  • Avoid getting your lips soaking wet; clean them by blotting with a damp cotton pad.
  • Drink through a straw to prevent excessive moisture on the lips.
  • Do not touch, rub, or pick at your lips to avoid disrupting the healing process.
  • Avoid contact with unclean surfaces to prevent infection.
  • Protect your lips from sunlight, as it can accelerate pigment fading.
  • Refrain from swimming, long hot showers, saunas, or steam baths to keep your lips dry.
  • Avoid getting toothpaste on your lips during oral care.
  • Do not use any products other than the prescribed moisturizer on your lips.
  • Abstain from makeup application for at least 10 days to allow proper healing.
  • Refrain from sleeping on your face to prevent unnecessary pressure on the healing area.
  • Avoid spicy or salty foods to prevent discomfort and stinging.
  • Refrain from consuming hot beverages and foods to minimize swelling.
  • Do not drink alcohol, as it may cause stinging and further dry out your lips.
  • Stay away from hot and steamy environments, such as saunas or steam baths.
  • Avoid getting any beauty treatments on or around the lips during the healing period.
  • Refrain from teeth whitening procedures to prevent potential irritation.
  • Avoid kissing, which may risk infection and disrupt the healing process.
  • Refrain from smoking, as it can hinder the healing of your lip blush.
  • Be cautious with any oral activities that may disturb the healing area.
  • Avoid excessive physical contact with the lips to ensure optimal healing.

Is the Permanent Lip Color Healing Process the Same for All Styles?

The permanence of lip color healing varies with different styles. A more saturated or full lip color results in a more severe healing process, involving peeling of the entire lip surface, including the outline.

For aquarelle lips, the healing process is less dramatic, with minimal flaking around the outer edges. Conversely, ombre lip blush witnesses heaviest scabbing around the edges due to higher pigment saturation.

Permanent lip liner focuses on the edges, leading to scab formation in that specific area. Each style brings a unique healing experience, influencing the extent of peeling and discomfort during the recovery period.

Lip Blush Healing Process – Main Takeaways

The lip blush healing process spans around 10 days, featuring stages like swelling, tenderness, and peeling. To navigate this journey successfully, follow proper aftercare instructions, embracing patience and understanding.

Key takeaways include managing discomfort, monitoring color changes, and adhering to guidelines for optimal healing. A crucial aspect is recognizing the gradual transformation until the desired results are achieved, ensuring a smooth and rewarding lip blush experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for lip blush to settle?

Lip blush settles within 6 weeks as pigments gradually integrate with the skin.

When can I kiss after lip blush?

Avoid kissing for at least 10 days after lip blush to prevent disruptions in the healing process.

Do your lips peel after lip blushing?

Yes, lips peel during the healing process after lip blushing, typically around days 3-4.

How do you take care of your lips after blushing?

Post lip blush care involves keeping lips dry, avoiding moisture, and following artist prescribed aftercare routines.


The lip blush healing process is a journey that requires patience and proper care. From the initial swelling and tenderness to the eventual peeling and color settling, each stage plays a crucial role in achieving the desired results. It’s essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the artist to ensure a smooth healing process and long lasting pigmentation.

While the process may vary slightly for different individuals and styles, the main takeaway is to be mindful of the body’s natural healing process. With proper care and attention, the discomfort and inconvenience experienced during the healing period are outweighed by the beautiful and natural looking results of lip blush. Trust in the process, stay consistent with aftercare, and enjoy the journey to achieving your perfect lip color.

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